
Kulhudhuffushi Hospital upgrading project to begin soon

The project to upgrade Kulhudhuffushi Regional Hospital is set to commence soon, said the Health Minister. 

It is one of four tertiary hospitals that will be developed by the government.

Kulhudhuffushi Regional Hospital is the biggest healthcare facility in the north, attracting a large number of patients. As part of the government’s health sector development plans, it pledged the development of four tertiary hospitals across the country, in addition to upgrading and development of Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH), and the introduction of previously unavailable services and technologies. The plans also include the development of a National Diagnostics Centre, and tertiary standard hospitals in Hulhumalé, Kulhudhuffushi Island and Addu City.

Abdulla Nazim Ibrahim, Minister of Health, said that “final preparations are underway to upgrade Kulhudhuffushi Regional Hospital to tertiary standards”. The Ministry is currently seeking a contractor for the development project, he added.

“Administrative preparations required prior to the commencement of the project is currently underway. Construction work of the project will be open for tender soon and assured that development of the tertiary hospital will be completed before the end of Presidential term”, he said.

Funds to develop a tertiary hospital in Addu City have also been secured and the Health Ministry is currently seeking a contractor for the project. The Health Minister said the project to develop the Equatorial Convention Centre (ECC) in Addu City as a tertiary hospital, will be contracted under “design and build” basis. The government expects to complete construction of the hospital in Addu City in 2018, he said.

The government expects to deliver its pledge to provide top-level healthcare services across the country, with the development of tertiary hospitals in the north and south of the country.