
Gov’t. spokesperson defends the Defamation Act

Spokesperson at the President’s Office Ibrahim Muaz Ali on Monday rejected media reports that the Government is ill-prepared to implement the Defamation and Freedom of Speech Act.

In an exclusive interview with PSM News, he said the Government had long been preparing for the legislation, which came into effect on August 11.

The government will protect the right to Freedom of Speech as enshrined in Article 27 of the Constitution, and the right to pprotect one’s reputation and good name as granted in Article 33 of the Constitution, he said.

President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom sees protection of the reputation and good name of individuals as a responsibility that lies on his shoulders, he added.

He further reiterated that the Government stands committed to ensure the protection of the rights of all, as enshrined in the Constitution.

The spokesperson also slammed media reports which he said seek to mislead the public about the law, and for spreading what he called “falsified information”.

He also reiterated that the law does not seek to criminalise free speech.