
Aasandha: Super Specialist programme a huge success

Aasandha Pvt. Ltd. on Saturday said consultations have been conducted in all atolls across the country under the government’s super specialist and special doctor consultation programme.

The national healthcare insurance provider said, with the completion of the second round of the programme, consultations under the super special doctor programme have been conducted in all atolls across the country.

Aasandha Company Pvt. Ltd. said over 4,000 patients were seen under the programme, of which most of the patients sought treatment for ENT, orthopaedic and neurological disorders.

Statistics show that over 390 patients were recommended for further treatment abroad.

Aasandha Company said the programme would continue next with some changes, where super specialist doctors would be sent for consultations following requests from the islands.

Under the programme, 59 specialist and super specialist doctors from abroad visited the country to provide consultations by May this year.