
Foreign Policy “strong and comprehensive", says new FM

The country’s Foreign Policy is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all States in accordance with international law, Foreign Minister Dr. Mohamed Asim says.

Speaking to the media for the first time on Wednesday following his appointment as Foreign Minister, Dr. Mohamed Asim highlighted the fundamental principles of the country’s Foreign Policy. He noted that the policy is based on sovereign equality of all States, abiding by a rule-based and inclusive international system, and non-interference in internal affairs of other countries. He stressed that the Maldives always believed in upholding supremacy of diplomacy in managing and resolving global problems and friendship with all countries based on mutual interest.

When questioned about the strength of the foreign policy, Dr. Asim described the policy as a “huge success”, and stressed that it played a fundamental role in informing foreign countries and international bodies about the developmental aspirations of the Government, and decisions made by State offices and institutions. He further said the Foreign Ministry will continue to promote the country’s Foreign Policy in the international arena, and continue a close working relationship with the United Nations, Commonwealth and other international organisations the Maldives is a member to.

At the press conference, the new Foreign Minister also dismissed media reports which suggest the United Nations has ordered the Maldives’ Government not to implement the death penalty. He said the United Nations Human Rights Council (OHCHR) had notified the government about a complaint filed with the council regarding the conviction and death sentence issued against Hussein Humam for the murder of lawmaker Dr. Afrasheem Ali. He however said the OHCHR has yet to make any statement regarding the case, and that the Government is now reviewing the case submitted to OHCHR.

 In his first meeting after being appointed as Foreign Minister, Dr. Asim assured that he will stand steadfast in promoting national interests and enhancing the country’s security and national sovereignty through increased bilateral and multilateral engagement the country’s Foreign Policy.