
CFC Funding Open for Maldives Agribusinesses

The Common Fund for Commodities (CFC) has invited applications for financial support from projects that aim to transform commodity value chains and uplift smallholder and SME-based enterprises in the Maldives.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Welfare said as Maldives is a CFC member country, the opportunity is open for local farmers and agribusinesses.

The CFC provides a variety of financial and technical support options to empower SMEs, cooperatives, International Commodity Bodies (ICBs), and other institutions, particularly those led by or supporting women in agriculture.

Financing can be provided in the form of loans for capital expenditures, working capital or trade finance to invest in productivity and value chain upgrading involving smallholders and SMEs.

Applications must be submitted before 1 April and must clearly show operational and financial viability, and be economically, socially and environmentally sustainable.