
Gov't. presses ahead with health sector development plans

Government is carrying out numerous projects under its endeavor to further develop and upgrade healthcare services across the country. The establishment of multi-specialist services at IGMH and the ongoing project to develop a National Diagnostic Centre is one of the noteworthy projects carried out as part of this endeavour.

The National Diagnostic Centre will be established at the proposed 25-storey building developed under the Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) development project. The centre will provide all outpatient consultation services, in addition to all necessary laboratory and scanning services required by patients. IGMH said the centre will also introduce premium health services, which will pave the way to hold national health-related symposiums and conferences.

The new building, proposed to be developed to modern standards, will be designed to match the local environment. The ground floor of the building will be set up for triage or emergency cases.

The US$140 million project to develop the 25-storey building of IGMH was contracted to Singapore’s Shenhua Construction.

Speaking to PSM about project, Director of Projects at IGMH Rifau Ali Jaleel said sheet piling work to lay the foundation of the new building is presently ongoing. The National Diagnostic Centre building is one of the most expensive buildings to be developed in the country. IGMH hopes to complete and open the building for service in 2018.