
Adam Naseem wins PSM’s “Emme AligadhaThari” Quran Competition

Adam Naseem has won Public Service Media's“‘Dhivehiraajeyge Emme Ali Gadha Thari 1437’” Quran Competition.  

IbrahimImaz was named the runner-up while Abdullah Tholib was the second runner-up.

‘DhivehiraajeygeEmme Ali Gadha Thari’ is a special program presented during the month ofRamadan, by PSM, with the aim of promoting recitation of the holy Quran

Thefinale of the fourth edition of the programme was held at Television Maldives onTuesday night.

AdamNaseem was presented with the winner’s trophy and the MRF 500,000 cash prize byVice President Abdulla Jihad.

Mr.Ibrahim Imaz was named the runner-up while Mr. Abdullah Tholib was the secondrunner-up.

Thisyear’s edition offered valuable prizes, including the prize money of half amillion rufiyaa and a full scholarship from Maldives Islamic University to thewinners, and Hajj and Umrah pilgrimage tours.

Speakingat the ceremony, Vice President said that reciting holy Quran is obligatory toall the Maldivians and that it is not limited to a particular age group or anindividual. He called on all the parents to work hard and make all the studentswho finish Secondary School recite holy Quran fluently. He also called on thepeople to make the holy Quran the most preferred, most treasured book amongourselves. During this event, the Vice President also shed light on hisexperiences in the field of Quran studies.

Duringthe ceremony, PSM announced additional upcoming TV shows which are to beorganised in coloration with Maldives Islamic University; including anInternational Quran competition upon request from the President.

Theannouncement was made by Vice Chancellor of Islamic University of Maldives, DrMohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed. The programmes are planned for next year.

Speakingat the ceremony, Managing Director of PSM, Ibrahim Khaleel said thatpreparations were now underway to organise the international Quran competition.

At thefinale, Deputy Managing Director of PSM Mohamed Ikram said the plannedinternational Quran competition will be the biggest such competition to be heldin the country’s history since it embraced Islam in 1153AD.

At theceremony, PSM also announced ‘Dhivehiraajeyge Emme Ali Gadha Thari Junior’targeting children.

Afterthe announcement, Islamic Affairs Minister Dr. Ahmed Ziyad commended PSM forits efforts to promote Islam and instil love for Quran among the people.