
Healthy Habits for a Healthy Life

It is important that people maintain healthy, nutritious eating habits when observing the fast during Ramadan, health experts say. 

While it’s important to practice a healthy diet during Ramadan, we should also refrain from skipping meals, experts said, warning that overeating during Ramadan can also cause major health issues.

Medical Officer at Dhamanaveshi Dr. Abdul Azeez Hameed said people complain of gastritis, dehydration, and low blood sodium levels caused due to low intake of salt, low or high blood sugar, and persistent headaches during the fasting month of Ramadan. Such problems can easily be avoided by practicing proper eating habits and avoiding sedentary lifestyles, Dr. Abdul Azeez said. 

Dr. Abdul Azeez said that "to stay healthy, practicing to portion our meals and avoiding over-eating is an important habit during Ramadan or any other month". People should avoid fried, spicy food, caffeinated drinks and junk food when breaking fast, he cautioned. He added that it is important to stay hydrated by taking plenty of fluids between breakfast and suhoor.  Dr. Azeez said that exercising is a huge part of staying healthy during regular months and especially during Ramadan.

During Ramadan it is important to have a well-balanced meal for breakfast and during suhoor (or the pre-dawn meal), he said, as it is equally important to not skip meals and eat small portion of healthy food in regular intervals. 

According to medical experts, to stay healthy people, should consume complex carbohydrates, high-fibre and Protein-rich foods. These include oats, wheat, lentils, and grains, cereals, dates, figs, bran, whole wheat, grains, seeds, potatoes, vegetables and all fruits, especially apricots and prunes. Bananas are also a good source of potassium and other essential nutrients that help keep the body hydrated. High protein foods like egg, cheese, yogurt or meat are also recommended as they can help replenish your energy throughout the day.