
MWSC Deputy MD’s Phone Seized in Binveriyaa Corruption Probe

The Male’ Water and Sewerage Company Pvt. Ltd. (MWSC)’s now-suspended Deputy Managing Director Mohamed Fazeel Rasheed’s phone has been seized as part of the ongoing investigation into the Binveriyaa Scheme corruption scandal.

Last week, the Housing Development Corporation (HDC) came under heavy scrutiny after it emerged that Binveriyaa Scheme land plots had been issued to individuals who were not entitled to them. Fazeel is directly implicated in the scandal, and has since been suspended from his position at MWSC.

Maldives Police Service (MPS) confirmed that Fazeel’s phone was seized on Wednesday under a court order.

Earlier this week, the passports of several individuals believed to be involved in the case were withheld by authorities. HDC employees implicated in the matter have also been terminated from their positions.