
Islamic Minister announces plans to train 100 imams every year

Minister of Islamic Affairs Dr. Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed has announced plans to send 500 imams abroad for training over the next five years. He made the remarks during the opening ceremony of the Imams' Conference 2024.

Speaking at the first-ever conference for imams in the Maldives, Minister Shaheem emphasised the critical role of imams and the benefits of fulfilling their duties. He highlighted his ongoing efforts to improve the training of imams, noting that 400 have already been trained under a new curriculum this year. He also said that 60 imams have been sent abroad, with plans to send 100 more by the end of the year.

Additionally, Minister Shaheem said that 100 imams would be sent abroad annually, with a goal of training 500 overseas within the next five years. He pledged to train 1,000 young khateebs during this period. He also assured attendees that the Ministry of Islamic Affairs is committed to addressing the challenges faced by imams and elevating the position of imam, which he described as a highly esteemed role.

Furthermore, Minister Shaheem affirmed his intent to implement the decisions made during the seminar. He also said that the decisions will be incorporated into a new structure for the ministry.

The ministry said that the one-day seminar saw participation from more than 500 imams, including 300 online and 208 in person. Its primary goal was to foster cooperation and friendship among the Maldivian imams, address their challenges, and provide guidance on resolving such issues. The seminar also aimed to educate imams on the importance of collaborating with local councils in mosque management and their engagement with various aspects of society. It also focused on the imam's role in making mosques in the Maldives places where people feel encouraged to worship.