
Environment Minister signs deal to strengthen climate change measures

Ministry of Climate Change, Environment, and Energy has signed an agreement with Up Close Solutions Private Limited, aiming to enhance the measures implemented to overcome the impacts of climate change. The contract was signed by the Ministry of Climate Change, Environment, and Energy's Permanent Secretary Ajwad Musthafa and Managing Director of Up Close Solutions Mohamed Haikal Ibrahim.

The ministry stated that the agreement purports to increase the transperncy of measures being implemented to combat climate change and enhance the monitoring of the implementation of the measures. It expressed optimism in the initiative, stating that it would enhance the efforts exerted to mitigate the impacts of climate change, adding that the initiative will increase the reporting of measures utilised by the Maldives to combat the effects of climate change, to international communities.

Under the agreement, the Up Close Solutions will provide consultancy services for tracking support for Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) implementation, including institutional arrangements, methodologies, and tools for monitoring and reporting support from both state and non-state actors. The project will be funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF).

Maldives is a country vulnerable to environmental threats. Therefore, the government has been working to minimise the negative impacts of climate change. As part of the efforts, President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu has pledged to ensure that 33% of the energy generated are from renewable energy sources by the end of this tenure. To achieve this overarching goal, the government has launched "Magey Solar"; a project which involves the installation of solar panels of 3-5kW in households.