
Several initiatives to develop people suitable for work environment

President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu transferred the National Job Centre to the Ministry of Higher Education, Labour and Skills Development in July. The centre, which was previously under the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, was renamed as the National Career Service (NCS), aimed at expanding its role.

With this change being implemented, the higher education ministry has undertaken several initiatives to connect the higher education sector and the labour market. The job centre, served as a platform in which unemployed individuals can interact with potential employers.

Speaking to a programme aired on PSM News, Minister of State for Higher Education, Labour and Skills Development Dr. Abdulla Nazeer emphasised that the government's top priority is to pave the way for children to choose their career paths and support them in achieving their goals. It additionally aims to ensure that the children entering the work environment after completing higher studies have the essential skills required to cope in the work environment.

Aiming to achieve this goal, State Minister Dr. Nazeer revealed that programmes are being planned, and will be launched within the upcoming month. The state minister assured the government's full commitment and support to children, in choosing their career paths, during the programme. He affirmed that information pertaining to higher education opportunities in the Maldives and from foreign institutions will also be made available. As such, Nazeer stated that children will be enlightend on the fields which are important for the Maldives' economic development, and the higher education and training opportunities from the respective fields. He expressed optimism in the initiative, stating that it will build a well-educated and skilled workforce, easing the process of recruiting them.

The Industrial Relations Act and the Occupational Safety Act, introduced to the Maldives, consist of sections outlining the development of labourers. The creation of the NCS will play a pivotal role in implementing these legislations.