
National Centre for Holy Quran trains over 200 individuals this year

The National Centre for the Holy Quran has trained over 200 individuals so far this year.

The centre said that the training focuses on preparing individuals to perform funeral services across various regions of the country. The centre regularly conducts these training programmes, having reached 15 islands so far this year.

The Centre has introduced a new training programme in the Greater Male' Region, which began on August 1 and will run for two weeks. The programme has seen participation from 28 individuals and includes instruction in fiqh studies related to funeral rites, as well as practical training in performing funeral prayers and burial procedures.

In a post on social media, Minister of Islamic Affairs Dr. Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed highlighted the importance of such programmes in the Maldives. He explained that in many islands, there are often no available individuals to conduct burials, and the remaining residents are often too elderly. He also said that the centre is extending its training programmes nationwide to address this issue.

The government is committed to preserving the Islamic heritage of the Maldives and enhancing religious knowledge and awareness. The Ministry of Islamic Affairs is currently working on initiatives to train young imams and khateebs and is also developing a special programme to teach Quran recitation.