
Zakat Fund offers assistance to 648 people within 6 months

The Maldives Zakat House has disclosed that it provided assistance to 648 individuals from the Zakat Fund over the past six months, with a total expenditure of USD 1.02 million.

The majority of the financial assistance was allocated for medical treatment. Specifically, USD 966,277 was spent on medical care, including USD 110,246 for cancer treatment, USD 17,509 for heart operations, USD 11,673 for kidney disease treatments, and USD 30,479 for brain surgeries. Additionally, the fund covered USD 648,508 for bone marrow transplants, USD 12,970 for other transplants, USD 10,376 for skin burn treatments, and USD 6,485 for pneumonia.

Furthermore, the Zakat House provided funds of USD1,942 as essential aid for vulnerable groups and USD31,430 for individuals with special needs. This includes aid provided to teach sign language courses as well.

Despite the collection and distribution of Zakat was previously done by the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, it is now the responsibility of the Maldives Zakat House. The Zakat House was established with the recommendation of President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu, and was inaugurated in January 2024.