
MQA takes action against Avid college and Clique college

The Maldives Qualification Authority (MQA) has taken action against Avid College and Clique College, for offering courses that fail to meet required standards. MQA stated that action was taken according to the Programme Accreditation of the Maldives Higher Education and Training Act, following several complaints it received on the college courses.

Regarding Avid College, MQA highlighted numerous issues, including complaints about ungraded student examination papers due to inadequate lecturer salaries, which prolong course durations and increase costs for students. Following a random batch audit, MQA identified seven programs that did not comply with Programme Accreditation guidelines and the Maldives National Qualifications Framework (MNQF). Therefore, it engaged in discussions with Avid College management to address these concerns. Since MQA had been urging the college to correct various negligences since 2017 through written documents, it decided to inform the college to conduct the courses in line with the Programme Accreditation. It further announced a suspension on issuing permits and accreditations for future courses.

Additionally, MQA clarified that Clique College had not been authorised to conduct courses or programs under the E-Learning Delivery Modality. It elaborated that during COVID-19, although colleges were issued with a general permit to conduct programmes, it was invalidated later. MQA cautioned Clique College to strictly adhere to Programme Accreditation guidelines and imposed a fine of USD 648 for conducting an educational program without accreditation, mandating the immediate cessation of the program.

MQA has informed the decision of publicising the programmes and courses which are conducted against the set guidelines, affirming that it will take action against such colleges and institutions. It further stated that Clique College bears full responsibility for any academic losses incurred by its students due to non-compliance.