
Gov't notes renewable energy vital to reduce state expenses

Minister of Climate Change, Environment and Energy Thoriq Ibrahim has underscored the necessity of utilising renewable energy sources, to reduce the state expenditures and ease the financial situation of the nation. He made the remarks during the ceremony held to inaugurate the establishment of hybrid power systems in 12 islands of Thaa Atoll. The ceremony was held at Kimbidhoo, Thaa Atoll.

Speaking at the ceremony, Minister Thoriq stated that the power systems established in the 12 islands were solar PV hybrid power systems of 2.5MW. Along with these power systems, a battery storage of 1.9MW per hour was also established. Highlighting that the current systems established in the country generates 67.5MW, the minister disclosed that the power systems developed in Thaa Atoll will assist in reducing the usage of diesel annually, by 1.2 million litres. It will in turn reduce the amount of carbon dioxide released to the atmosphere by 3,300 tonnes annually.

Furthermore, Minister Thoriq stressed the significance of reducing the dependency on the oil imported, emphasising the need of bringing prompt adjustments, increasing the utilisation of renewable energy. The minister highlighted that the nation heavily depends on imported oil to produce electricity and for transportation, adding that 13.5% of the GDP is spent annually to import oil. He said it was essential to switch to renewable energy sources to reduce electricity costs to address the country’s fiscal constraints.

During the ceremony, Managing Director of Fenaka Corporation Limited Muaz Mohamed Rasheed stated that the project of establishing the power systems was an important developmental project. He stated that it indicates that the Maldives is capable of generating electricity using renewable resources instead of being dependent on oil.

The solar PV hybrid power systems of 2.5MW established in Thaa Atoll were initiatives under the Preparing Outer Islands for Sustainable Energy Development (POISED) Project, with the assistant of the Asian Development Bank. The minister revealed that under the project, diesel power generating systems in 160 islands will be changed to solar PV hybrid power systems. Currently, these adjustments and changes have been brought to 72 islands across the nation.