
Speaker notes importance of developing largely populated islands for sustainability

Speaker of Parliament Abdul Raheem Abdulla has stated that sustainable development cannot be achieved unless the largely populated islands are developed. He made the statement at the inauguration ceremony of Waste Management Corporation (WAMCO) services in Kulhudhuffushi City.

Speaking at the ceremony, Speaker Abdul Raheem reiterated that President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu pledged to development of urban centres in different parts of the country and stressed that the president attaches great importance to developing cities. He stated that the president is fulfilling his promises at a very fast pace.

Noting that there is a lot of work to be done to develop the country, Abdul Raheem stated that it is essential to establish basic services on all the islands. However, he went on to say that the president's aim is to pursue a policy of aligning development with population, adding that sustainable development cannot be achieved unless the largely populated islands are developed.

Furthermore, Abdul Raheem added that the President aims to establish urban centres in the atolls and provide services on the same level as the capital Male’ City. He stressed that this will help reduce the congestion in Male’.