
Maldives holds discussions with Huawei

Maldives has initiated discussions with Huawei Technologies of China to explore opportunities for leveraging technology in promoting decentralisation. These discussions occurred during Minister of Cities, Local Government and Public Works Adam Shareef's visit to China to participate in the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSMA). GSMA, known for its association of individuals and companies involved in mobile phone manufacturing and development, hosted Minister Adam Shareef for talks with member companies and mobile operators.

Minister Adam Shareef shared details of his discussions with GSMA and Huawei via social media, highlighting their focus on enhancing telecommunications infrastructure and advancing decentralisation efforts in Maldives through technological support. The minister underscored the potential for GSMA and its member companies to contribute significantly to these initiatives.

During his visit, Minister Adam Shareef also attended the Mobile World Congress (MWC), the premier conference for mobile networking professionals held annually in Shanghai, China. At the MWC, he participated in a round table meeting chaired by GSMA's Regional Leader for neighboring countries. These sessions included discussions on cybersecurity challenges posed by advances in artificial intelligence, strategies to mitigate these threats, and plans for developing digital cities.

GSMA boasts a membership of over 750 mobile service providers and 400 companies engaged in mobile phone manufacturing and development globally. The organisation plays a pivotal role in shaping global telecommunications standards and innovations, making it a key partner for countries like Maldives seeking to enhance their digital infrastructure and capabilities.