
Homeland security minister condemns bribery among uniformed officers

Minister of Homeland Security and Technology Ali Ihusaan has condemned acts of bribery within uniformed bodies, emphasizing that such behavior is unacceptable and constitutes a betrayal of the nation. His remarks were made during a press conference addressing the recent arrests of Maldives Correctional Service officers for allegedly accepting bribes and violating the law.

Minister Ihusaan stressed that individuals who apply for positions within uniformed bodies, which demand the highest level of integrity, do so voluntarily and must remain loyal and honest in their service to the nation. He highlighted the importance of integrity, stating that officers should uphold the nation's values as long as they are in their positions.

The minister pointed out that if officers face obstacles to performing their duties with integrity and honesty, or if they are denied their rights, there are mechanisms within each institution to seek assistance. He reiterated that no officer is coerced into joining enforcement bodies, and thus there is no justification for betraying the nation.

Minister Ihusaan stated that officers who accept bribes are not true officers but criminals. He urged officers to avoid any causes that might lead to betrayal. To deter such practices, he announced plans to strengthen the training of enforcement agencies.

Additionally, the Minister mentioned that an investigation would be conducted to understand why such actions by officers are not being adequately addressed. The investigation aims to identify and rectify any lapses in the system to prevent future occurrences of bribery and corruption.