
Parliamentarian Ibrahim Didi praises President's economic strategy

Parliamentarian for the South Feydhoo constituency Ibrahim Didi has commended President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu's economic strategy, emphasising the importance of maintaining the country's independence and sovereignty to prevent economic hardship for citizens.

Speaking on a programme aired on PSM News, Ibrahim Didi highlighted that President Muizzu's efforts are directed towards preserving the nation’s independence and ensuring that citizens retain full decision-making power in matters concerning the country. This approach, he noted, aims to keep the nation free from foreign influence.

Stressing the significance of paying off foreign debts to maintain autonomy, he pointed out that the administration has repaid USD 259.8 million of the USD 584 million owed to private companies, USD 454.6 million to public companies, and has spent USD 175 million on loan repayments.

He further remarked that the country has accumulated more debt in the past five years than in the previous 60 years, without visible accomplishments from these loans. He asserted that those responsible for this financial mismanagement should be held accountable and face consequences.

The parliamentarian also affirmed that President Muizzu is committed to preventing any foreign party from influencing the internal affairs of the Maldives. He praised the administration's efforts in maintaining mutually beneficial foreign relations.

Concluding his remarks, he urged the public to remain patient and trust President Muizzu to steer the country in the right direction, assuring that the current administration is dedicated to improving the nation's affairs.