
Tourism Minister discloses plans to expand tourism in atolls

Minister of Tourism Ibrahim Faisal has disclosed the administration has comprehensive plans to expand tourism in all the atolls of the Maldives. During an exclusive interview with PSM News, Minister Faisal emphasised the expansion and development of tourism throughout the country is a primary objective of the current administration.

During the interview, Minister Faisal outlined the administration's goal to develop a specific number of tourist beds in each atoll before the end of its tenure. He highlighted the importance of establishing between 4,000 to 6,000 tourist beds per atoll to ensure sustainable tourism growth. The administration plans to prioritise local tourism as part of this initiative.

A key strategy to boost tourism in underdeveloped areas involves providing feasibility studies to potential investors. Minister Faisal noted that discussions on this matter are currently ongoing.

The minister also highlighted the crucial role that the national airline, Maldivian, could play in developing tourism across all regions of the country. He expressed optimism about increased involvement from the airline in supporting this national goal.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Tourism aims to promote each atoll as a distinct tourist destination, reinforcing the diverse appeal of the Maldives. This approach is expected to help showcase the unique characteristics and attractions of each atoll, contributing to the overall growth and diversification of the country's tourism industry.