
Minister announces initiatives to boost tourism in next low season

Minister of Tourism Ibrahim Faisal has announced several initiatives aimed at boosting tourist numbers in the Maldives during next year's low season, which spans June, July, and August.

Speaking to an exclusive interview with PSM News, Minister Faisal highlighted the annual decrease in tourist arrivals during these months. He noted that while this year's decline was less severe compared to previous years, the decrease in tourist numbers has led to empty beds in many establishments. He emphasised his commitment to reversing this trend and increasing tourist arrivals during the low season next year.

Additionally, Minister Faisal outlined plans to raise occupancy rates by 15% to 20% during this period. He highlighted the collaborative efforts with the Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC) and identified key target markets, including India, China, and traditional markets, to bolster their preparedness for the low season.

Furthermore, Minister Faisal called for an increase in the budget of MMPRC to enhance promotional activities for Maldivian tourism. He stressed the importance of investment in tourism advertising, noting that it significantly boosts the sector's profitability.

Moreover, Minister Faisal mentioned ongoing efforts to attract more tourists from specific markets, particularly highlighting collaborations with Chinese companies. He predicted that these efforts would bring a substantial number of tourists to the Maldives over the next five years, with expectations for the tourism sector to contribute USD6 billion to the state budget by the end of 2027.