
HPA launches Dhafaraa campaign

The Health Protection Agency (HPA) has launched the "Dhafaraa" campaign, aiming to abstain tobacco consumption among children and youth, with a specific focus on strengthening parental involvement in national anti-tobacco efforts.

Minister of Health, Dr. Abdulla Khaleel, inaugurated the campaign during a special ceremony held to commemorate World No Tobacco Day. In his address, he highlighted a significant rise in tobacco consumption in the Maldives, particularly among young people, with increased use of cigarettes, vapes, and shisha.

Expressing concern over the prevalence of tobacco use in Maldivian society, Minister Khaleel emphasised the crucial role of parents in guiding their children away from such harmful habits. He underscored the importance of parental engagement in safeguarding children's well-being and instilling positive values and habits, ultimately contributing to their overall health and development. He further urged all parents to actively participate in this endeavor, stressing the pivotal role they play in shaping a healthy future generation.

As part of the campaign, the present administration has announced plans to conduct training programs to implement the Dhafaraa initiative across all atolls. Additionally, strategic systems will be established in each atoll hospital, supporting individuals who wish to quit smoking.

These measures reflect the administration's unwavering commitment to combatting tobacco use and promoting public health at both national and community levels. The Dhafaraa campaign represents a holistic approach to addressing tobacco consumption, with a strong emphasis on parental involvement and support networks for those seeking to quit smoking.