
Gov't to introduce vocational programmes from grade 6

Minister of State for Education Dr. Ahmed Mohamed has revealed that conducting vocational training programmes within the education system is an aim of the administration. This was announced by the minister during the inaugural ceremony of an educational programme, under the Development of Maldives National Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Policy. The vocational training programmes, which will be held for the students between grade six and grade 12, aims to teach valuable life skills for the students.

The programme is conducted in joint collaborative efforts of the Maldives National Skills Development Authority, Ministry of Higher Education, Labour and Skills Development and Colombo Plan Staff College. Meanwhile, the Maldives - Enhancing Employability and Resilience of Youth Project under the World Bank is poised to offer assistance to the undertaking.

Speaking at the ceremony, Minister Dr. Ahmed underscored the crucial importance of augmenting the life skills programmes within the school environment, outlining plans to integrate TVET initiatives into the curriculum for students at different educational stages. The minister revealed plans to integrate programmes into the curriculum for the students in key stage three, aiming to enhance the knowledge of students on the TVET fields. Moreover, he envisioned to introduce various subjects related to the fields for key stage four and to also introduce a TVET stream for the students of key stage five.

During the ceremony, Minister of Higher Education, Labour and Skills Development Dr. Maryam Mariya stressed the significance of issuing TVET policies at a national level. The minister articulated that such programmes are instrumental in cultivating a skilled workforce, thereby fortifying the nation's economic trajectory over the long term.

The primary objective of the programme is to meticulously review the predetermined objectives set for the formulation of TVET policies and to identify the challenges encountered to achieve the goals. Additionally, the programme aims to thoroughly examine the previous strategic plans, while drafting a string TVET policy framework which can be utilised in the future. This policy framework will assist to facilitate the creation of a curriculum tailored to vocational education and training, the efficacious implementation of strategic plans, and the equitable dissemination of resources nationwide.

Furthermore, the Maldives National Skills Development Authority affirmed the development of a system to monitor the training progress and ensuring the evaluation and quality of the training as well. It also confirmed to strengthen linkages with the labour industries as well.

In a concerted effort to actualize the aspirations, decisions have been made to conduct the programme over a five-day period, with sessions to be delivered by international subject-matter experts. A total of 60 participants in the TVET sector will partake in the comprehensive programme.