
FPA reveals increasing cases of phycological abuse

Family Protection Authority (FPA) has reported that the number of cases of phycological abuse have been increasing. The remarks were made by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of FPA Aminath Shiraanee during a press conference.

Speaking at the press conference, CEO Shiraanee expressed deep concern over the notable up tick in cases of phycological abuse. The CEO disclosed that a total of 162 cases of such forms of abuse have been reported to this date. Additionally, she disclosed that 278 cases of domestic violence have been reported, with 194 involving female victims and 84 involving male victims.

Moreover, CEO Shiraanee highlighted an increase in reported cybercrimes, encompassing incidents of blackmailing and financial exploitation of parents by their own children.

Highlighting that majority of the cases involve individuals who are drug addicts, Shiraanee emphasised the dedicated efforts of FPA to implement preventive measures against domestic violence and abuse. This includes rehabilitating perpetrators, initiating legal actions through court referrals and launching a service to ensure the provision of legal assistance to victims of domestic violence who cannot afford a lawyer.