
Gov't reveals over 700 vehicle domains are illegal

Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation Mohamed Ameen has revealed that over 700 vehicle domains used in the Maldives are illegal. The remarks were made by the minister during a press conference.

Addressing the media, Minister Ameen disclosed that over 1,400 domains are in active use, as per current assessments. The minister stated that 700 out of 1,400 domains were valid and were approved by the ministry. Meanwhile, the records of the remaining domains lack proper record-keeping, thereby affecting their validity. He further noted instances where individuals have been observed using fraudulent domain numbers without authorization.

During the press briefing, Minister Ameen stated that the president of the previous administration had sent a letter to the government, calling for a stoppage in domain-issuing operations. Regarding this, the minister stressed that such a cessation is not a sustainable solution, as domain issuance is mandated by law.

The administration has announced a temporary halt in domain issuance to facilitate enhancements to the ministry's portal, with the aim of improving its efficiency and reliability. Minister Ameen reassured that domain issuance will resume once these enhancements are implemented.

A vehicle domain refers to a numerical identifier issued by the government to generate revenue. It denotes the categorisation of vehicle systems and functions assigned to specific regions. These domain plates solely feature the numerical code, omitting registration details. Individuals purchasing domains have the opportunity to resell them at higher prices in the market.