
Maldives collaborate with Saudi Arabia to conduct religious research programmes

Minister of Islamic Affairs Dr. Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed has said Ministry of Islamic Affairs of Saudi Arabia and the Maldives will conduct many religious research and scientific programmes.

Minister Saeed along with a delegation from the Maldives is participating in the scientific programme conducted jointly by the Islamic ministry and Saudi Arabia. These programmes were discussed during his visits to Saudi Arabia.

During the meeting, the delegation was briefed on the activities and projects of the Islamic ministry and the areas in which the Maldives needs assistance and cooperation. Referring to the projects already started by Saudi Arabia and the Islamic ministry, Minister Saeed said that the training of Khateebs, scholars and those who need to impart religious knowledge will be trained. He said that the two countries discussed joint scientific and social projects.

Additionally, Minister Shaheem said the purpose of such programmes is to explain the true Islamic faith, instill the noble principle of Islamic moderation and raise awareness against extremist principles. He said that such programmes have also been discussed for scholars, youth and associations. He also said that the two countries will also conduct many joint programmes in the future.

Furthermore, Minister Shaheem said that the scientific programmes being conducted in collaboration with Saudi Arabia are the result of his visits to the country.