
Chronic illness medical camp concludes

A specialized medical camp catering to individuals suffering from chronic illnesses has successfully concluded in Madduvvari, Raa Atoll. This four-day event was a collaborative effort between the Maldives Neuro Endocrine Medical Facility and the Belarus Maldives Cultural Centre.

Throughout the camp, participants received in-depth information from an endocrinologist at the Maldives Neuro Endocrine Medical Facility Dr. Mohamed Wisham and the Director General of the Belarus Maldives Cultural Centre and endocrinologist Dr. Mariya Rusalenko.

Speaking to PSM News, Dr. Wisham highlighted that the primary goal of the camp was to collect comprehensive data on the prevalence of endocrinological diseases in the islands. The camp focused on diseases such as diabetes, thyroid-related issues, obesity, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), and infertility. He emphasized the importance of awareness and timely treatment, urging the population to remain vigilant.

Dr. Wisham also expressed optimism about the initiative, revealing plans to conduct similar camps across the Maldives in the near future.

Dr. Mariya reinforced the high prevalence of chronic illnesses in the Maldives, particularly among females, with common issues including PCOS and infertility.

The Maldives Neuro Endocrine Medical Facility specializes in treating diabetes, obesity, endocrine and metabolic disorders such as hypertension and cholesterol, as well as brain and nerve diseases, headaches, insomnia, and infertility.