
1347 lands plots to be changed from Giraavarufalhu to Gulhifalhu

The government has finalized plans to transfer 1,347 plots of land allocated from Giraavarufalhu to Gulhifalhu as part of the Binveriya housing scheme.

Minister of Housing, Land and Urban development released a statement revealing that the previous government had allocated land from Giraavarufalhu without providing sufficient land for essential services in the area. Hence, the ministry emphasized that despite the allocated quantity, revision of Giraavaru land use plan does not provide sufficient land to meet the necessary requirements.

Remarkably, the previous government initially designated 5,432 plots of land. However, due to constraints, 1,347 plots have been determined for transfer to Gulhifalhu.

Numbers and sizes of plots to be transferred to Gulhifalhu:
193 plots within 1,250 acres of land
663 plots within 1,650 acres of land
487 plots within 2,050 acres of land
4 plots within 2,450 acres of land

Additionally, the Ministry has announced the opportunity for individuals who have received plots of this size to apply for land transfer. Thus, applications for land transfer can be submitted through the Hiyaavahi portal starting from 0900hrs on Sunday, April 7, until 1100hrs on Sunday, April 14.

Furthermore, Ministry of housing revealed that in case where the number of applicants for land transfer from Giraavaru Falhu to Gulhi falhu rises, the beneficiary selection will be conducted through a lottery process.

Moreover, while the initial plan involved reclaiming of 160 hectares of land in Giraavaru Falhu as part of the land reclamation process, President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu has now resolved to add another 50 hectares to the reclamation effort. Co-currently, 50 hectares of land has already been reclaimed as part of the project.