
STO announces price reduction for onions

The State Trading Organisation (STO) has announed reduction in the price of onions to ensure more affordable food items during Ramadan.

Previously priced at USD 1.28 per kg, onions are now available at USD 1.09 per kg, reflecting STO's commitment to providing cost-effective options for consumers. Furthermore, the price of a sack of onions, originally USD 28.80, has been decreased to USD 20.48.

The revised prices for onions are as follows: 1kg for USD 1.09, a sack of onions for USD 20.48, 10 sacks of onions for USD 19.84, and 20 sacks of onions for USD 19.2.

STO imports onions from India, an annual initiative that also includes shipments of potatoes and eggs. These products are then distributed wholesale and retail in the Maldivian market.

In addition to onions, STO offers potatoes at USD 15 per kg and eggs at USD 1.28 per egg. Recognising the heightened demand for onions, eggs, and potatoes during Ramadan, STO's pricing adjustments aim to alleviate the impact of increased demand on prices in Maldivian shops and markets.