
Smart Gate service introduced in VIA

Smart Gate Service has been inaugurated at Velana International Airport (VIA). The service introduced by the Managing Director of Maldives Airports Company (MACL), Ibrahim Shareef Mohamed at a special ceremony held at the passenger terminal of Velana International Airport.

Addressing the gathering, Managing Director Ibrahim Shareef highlighted that the newly introduced Smart Gate, initiated by Maldives Customs Service, aims to enhance the quality of service for passengers at the airport and streamline service delivery for faster processing. He underscored MACL's collaboration with all airport service providers to address challenges faced by passengers, showcasing their commitment to offering more convenient services at the terminal, especially in anticipation of the opening of the new VIA terminal.

Given that a majority of airport passengers are tourists, the service, operating within legal frameworks, is designed to be swift and convenient.

Commissioner General of Customs, Yoosuf Maniu emphasised the importance of the Smart Gate as a valuable tool for passengers to undergo customs clearance seamlessly. He anticipated cost reductions and time savings with the introduction of this service.

In the past, luggage was inspected using the Customs Risk Management System, with red stickers indicating items requiring further examination. With the Smart Gate, the need for red stickers and manual checks is reduced. Passengers will be alerted if any specific inspection is necessary.

Deputy Chief Superintendent Abdulla Ali explained that the Smart Gate service will eventually be replaced by a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tag. Luggage owners will need to approach the Red Channel for customs clearance.

The implementation of the Smart Gate at VIA is expected to enhance security measures, preventing crimes such as terrorism, money laundering, human trafficking, drug entry, and other illegal activities. Customs has assured that strict adherence to laws and regulations will be maintained, facilitating efficient enforcement.

The launch of the Smart Gate Service aligns with the roadmap set by President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu for the first 14 weeks of the government, reflecting the commitment of the Maldives Customs Service to continuous improvement.