Minister of Education Dr. Ismail Shafeeu has announced plans to launch an online channel aimed at providing Dhivehi language and Islamic studies to Maldivians residing abroad. He made the announcement during the launch ceremony of "Riveli," an online programme designed to instill a sense of national identity by integrating Dhivehi language and Islamic studies into the curriculum for Maldivians living overseas.
Speaking at the ceremony, Minister Shafeeu revealed that a two-week pilot programme had already commenced, focusing on teaching Islamic and Dhivehi subjects to Maldivians abroad. He emphasised ongoing efforts to enhance the programme based on daily feedback received from participants.
Additionally, Minister Shafeeu outlined the ministry's objective to facilitate the online study of Islamic and Dhivehi language subjects for Maldivians residing abroad. He indicated plans to establish a dedicated online channel in collaboration with the National Institute of Education (NIE) and underscored the significance of teaching Islamic subjects in Dhivehi.
Highlighting the importance of fostering a strong sense of national identity, Minister Shafeeu stressed the need for students to understand Maldivian history, honor national heroes, and understand the symbolism of the national flag. He emphasised the importance of nurturing values of peace and Islam among children, regardless of their location.
Moreover, Minister Shafeeu urged Maldivian students who pursue higher education on state scholarships abroad to return to serve their country. He also encouraged every student to consider returning to the Maldives after completing their studies as a means of contributing to the nation's development.