
Ahmed Moosa's passport release order appealed in Supreme Court

The Prosecutor General's Office (PGO) has appealed the Criminal Court's decision to temporarily return the passport of Ahmed Moosa Mohamed, the owner of SeaLife Global Pvt Ltd, who faces treason charges.

Despite the Criminal Court's initial order for the temporary release of Ahmed Moosa's passport, which had been confiscated in connection with the treason charges, the prosecution appealed the decision in the High Court. However, the High Court upheld the original order, prompting the PGO to escalate the matter to the Supreme Court.

Expressing dissatisfaction with the High Court's decision, the prosecutor's office decided to appeal the case further to the Supreme Court. The Criminal Court had initially stipulated a temporary release period for Ahmed Moosa's passport from December 6 to 25.. The High Court, however, determined that the specified deadline for the passport's return had already lapsed.

A review hearing on the passport order took place in the Criminal Court on December 27, but no definitive decision was reached. In response, the prosecution has requested the Criminal Court to postpone further hearings on the passport seizure order until the Supreme Court reaches a verdict. Additionally, the PGO has proposed imposing specific conditions in the event that the Supreme Court decides to authorise the release of Ahmed Moosa's passport.