
Gov't spends USD195 million on subsidies

The government has spent USD195 million on subsidies so far this year.

The state budget for this year allocated USD428 million for grants, contributions and subsidies. However, USD460 million has been spent on grants, contributions and subsidies so far this year.

The Weekly Fiscal Developments report shows that most of the expenditure went to subsidies. The budget allocated USD143 million for subsidies for the entire year, however, the government has spent USD195 million on subsidies so far. The majority of the expenditure went to fuel, electricity, and food subsidies.

The second largest expenditure went to Aasandha, the national health insurance scheme. The expenditure on Aasandha has reached USD97 million, which is 47% higher than the USD65 million budgeted for the entire year.

Additionally, the government has so far spent USD91 million of the USD117 million budgeted for grants to local councils this year. The state budget also allocated USD97 million for additional grants and contributions and has so far spent USD71 million.