
Two companies permitted to use Hakathari label

Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, and Technology has stated that two companies are currently permitted to use the Hakatheri label.

The Hakathari programme is an initiative of the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Technology to ensure that electrical appliances that enter the Maldivian market meet the necessary efficiency standards. The Hakathari label, which displays information about an appliances’ energy efficiency, has five efficiency levels. More stars indicate a higher efficiency and the most efficient product is given five stars, with the least efficient product given one star.

Speaking to PSM News Assistant Director at the Environment Ministry Aminath Sheeza said that five companies have registered for the Hakathari programme but currently two companies are allowed to use Hakathari labels on their appliances. As such, she said that State Trading Organisation (STO) and Ranfaun Private Limited are allowed to use Hakathari labels on their air conditioners and that the companies are working to receive approval to use the label on other electrical appliances.

Additionally, Sheeza said that the Hakathari programme will allow the government to reduce energy consumption by 147MW, which is around USD52 million. She detailed that washing machines with Hakathi labels will use less water, resulting in the country saving 14,000 litres of water by 2030, which amounts to a savings of USD18 million. She added that the country is also expected to reduce carbon emissions by one million tonnes because of the programme.

The Hakathari programme is currently implemented on a voluntary basis. In order to receive the Hakathari label, importers are required to register under the programme and thereafter get approval for energy efficiency labelling. The appliances covered under the first phase of the Hakathari programme are air conditioners, refrigerators and washing machines. The environment ministry stated it aims to ensure all air conditioners, refrigerators and washing machines imported to the Maldives from 2024 onwards are Hakathari appliances.