
Maldives joins OIC in condemning attacks on Al-Aqsa

The Maldives has joined the Executive Committee of the Organisation of Islamic Corporation (OIC) in condemning the attacks on the Al-Aqsa Mosque by Israeli forces. The Maldives joined the extraordinary meeting with other member states on May 24.

In the final communique adopted by the executive meeting, OIC condemned the storming of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and stated that it represents a flagrant and unacceptable violation of international law and the existing historical and legal status in Jerusalem and its holy sites. The organisation stated that it is a dangerous escalation that requires the international community to work immediately to stop it through effective steps that would compel Israel to stop its attacks on the Palestinian people and its violations of international law and international humanitarian law.

Additionally, OIC affirmed the right of the State of Palestine to sovereignty over East Jerusalem and stated that Israel has no right nor sovereignty over Jerusalem and its holy sites. It also underscored the importance of continuing the concerted efforts of the member states to protect Al-Aqsa Mosque and other holy sites and to support the steadfastness of the Palestinian citizens in the face of aggressive Israeli policies and practices. It further called on the international community to put pressure on Israel to stop its violations, including settlement expansion and all measures aimed at changing the legal and historical status quo in Al-Aqsa Mosque, which would push the situation in the region to further deterioration.

Furthermore, OIC stressed the need to activate efforts aimed at achieving a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace on the basis of international law and relevant United Nations (UN) resolutions and the two-state solution that guarantees the establishment of an independent, sovereign, geographically contiguous and viable Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, and to stop all illegal Israeli measures that undermine this solution. It also expressed appreciation for the countries that expressed their rejection and condemnation of the Israeli storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque.