
Cargo ferries arranged between Feydhoo and Hulhumeedhoo

The Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) MTCC has arranged cargo ferry services between Feydhoo and Hulhumeedhoo in Addu City.

MTCC states that the existing ferries do not have space to carry large quantities of goods at once. As such, MTCC stated that the decision to begin the cargo ferry service between Feydhoo and Hulhumeedhoo was taken due to the requests of the residents of the islands. MTCC stated that the cargo ferry service will operate every Sunday and Wednesday during the holy month of Ramadan. The ferry will also be available every Sunday after the end of Ramadan.

MTCC began passenger ferry services between Feydhoo and Hulhumeedhoo in 2021. The passenger ferry service is available every day except Fridays.