
Gov’t assists Maldivians unable to leave for Umrah pilgrimage

Minister of Islamic Affairs Dr. Ahmed Zahir has stated that chartered flights will be scheduled for Maldivians who were unable to leave for their pilgrimage.

Over 180 pilgrims paid Safa Group to facilitate their Umrah pilgrimages. However, the first batch of pilgrims had their trips cancelled after failing to secure their visas. Safa Group had informed their clients that their trips were cancelled after the Islamic ministry instructed the company to facilitate the pilgrimage.

Afterwards, Minister Zahir met with the Safa Group officials and ordered them to re-schedule their trips before the 20th day of the month of Ramadan and the officials agreed to facilitate the Umrah pilgrimage through a chartered flight. Minister Zahir warned that he would file a police report and blacklist the owner if Safa Group fails to facilitate the Umrah pilgrimages.

The Islamic ministry stated that visas for Umrah pilgrims could be secured three months before the month of Ramadan and that Safa Group was negligent in obtaining visas for their clients. The government responded to previous such issues by prosecuting and levying huge penalties on company owners.