
MPS implements changes to traffic flow

The Maldives Police Service (MPS) has implemented changes to the traffic flow in Male’ City for the month of Ramadan.

As part of the changes, four-wheeled vehicles are banned from travelling on Rahdhebai Magu from Jamaluddin School to Majeedhee Magu. Four-wheeled vehicles are also banned from entering some roads connecting the local market area and Boduthakurufaanu Magu and Ameer Ahmed Magu.

Additionally, four-wheeled vehicles will be banned from entering roads leading to some mosques in Male’ City five minutes before the beginning of prayers. The decision was made to reduce congestion in the areas as the number of prayer goers tends to increase during Ramadan.

Furthermore, MPS will be conducting special operations to reduce traffic congestion near the Sinamale' Bridge and the Male’-Hulhumale’ link road as well as reduce offences during Ramadan. As such, police officers will be active in various parts of Male’ City during prayer timers and in the early morning to prevent muggings and other crimes from taking place.

Police Officers will also be active at the local market to stop illegal parking and in other areas with high foot traffic such as schools and popular shopping areas. They will also instruct transport vehicles to load and unload goods quickly and park in specific areas to prevent congestion. In addition, 24-hour traffic operations will be conducted near the Sinamale’ Bridge to stop speeding and other offences.