The government has proposed amendments to the Elections General Act to make it easier for visually impaired individuals to vote in elections.
At a press conference, Spokesperson at the President’s Office Miuvaan Mohamed said the proposed amendments to the act is to allow visually impaired voters to mark themselves on the ballot paper without the assistance of anyone else. He said the main purpose of the amendment is to ensure the secrecy of voting for the visually impaired. He said the government has proposed the amendment to the law and has met with the relevant authorities to ensure the right of the visually impaired to vote for themselves. People who are physically disabled will be given the opportunity to mark their own ballot papers if they wish to do so without the assistance of another person, according to the amendment. The bill states that such persons may be marked on the ballot paper using an inside-visible plastic card to ensure the secrecy of their vote.
The amendment to the act has been proposed while other amendments to the bill are already underway in the Parliament of the Maldives.