
DNR changes fee for renewing ID card

Department of National Registration (DNR) has brought changes to the fee taken to renew the information on a citizen’s national identification card. DNR changed the fee from USD3 to USD10.

The current national ID cards being used were designed in 1980. As such, DNR has been preparing to introduce a new national digital ID card with added security features. The digital ID card can be used with the eFaas application to obtain government services.

An early access version of eFaas Mobile application was released for the first 500 Android users in February. The national digital identification (ID) card will be released in March with the final version of the eFaas application, which is designed to make all cards issued by a government agency digitally accessible with the individual's personal information. Over 180 government employees are using digital ID cards during the testing phase. The digital ID card has strong security features and can currently be used to obtain services from the Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation and the Civil Service Commission (CSC).