The Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO) has raised corruption charges against former Managing Director of Fenaka Corporation Limited Mohamed Nimal.
PGO forwarded the charges against former Managing Director Nimal and Director of Finance and Accounts Minhaj Waheed for using their position to gain undue benefits and taking action that is against the interest of the state. The charges are concerning agreements Fenaka had made to procure goods from private companies during 2014-2015.
The investigation found that Fenaka had prioritised the interest of the suppliers by paying them without penalising them for liquidated damages. As such, the investigation found that the suppliers, Plankton Investment Private Limited and Pneumatic Private Limited, had delivered goods after the deadline but were not penalised by reducing the payment as part of Fenaka’s procurement policy, which resulted in USD65,000 in damages for the company.
Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) requested the PGO to prosecute four Fenaka officials, but the PGO has decided not to raise charges against two of the officials due to lack of evidence. ACC has also instructed the company to recover the lost funds.