Chief Justice of Sri Lanka Jayantha Jayasuriya has praised the progress made by the courts in the Maldives in conducting trials online. He made the statement during a meeting held with the Supre Court of the Maldives as part of his official visit to the Maldives at the invitation of Chief Justice Ahmed Muthasim Adnan.
During the meeting, Chief Justice Jayasuriya was briefed on the work of the Supreme Court and the conduct of trials. He inquired about the online conduct of trials and inspected the relevant arrangements. He also praised the progress made by the courts of the Maldives in conducting trials online. He said that the Maldives is an example country in this regard. During the meeting, discussions were held on ways to strengthen relations between the two countries and promote the judicial sector.
The meeting was attended by Justice Dr. Azmiralda Zahir, Justice Mahaz Ali Zahir, Justice Husnu Al Suood, Justice Ali Rasheed Hussain, and Justice Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim.