
Contractor hired to build mental health unit at Ungoofaaru Hospital

Sausan Construction Private Limited has been contracted to build a mental health unit at Ungoofaaru Hospital. The company is tasked with completing the construction of the building within four months at a cost of USD260,000.

Speaking to PSM News, Senior Marketing Officer at Ungoofaaru Hospital Hassan Fazeel said that the opening of the mental health unit will result in a significant increase in the quality of mental health treatment. He said that the unit will consist of three consultation rooms for psychiatry and psychology services, as well as for family support and counseling. The unit will also consist of a meeting room, a waiting area, a staff area, and a psychiatric ward with a five-patient capacity.

Ungoofaaru Hospital stated that the mental health unit will expand the range of mental health services available and will allow the staff to make accurate assessments to efficiently treat patients, especially children that suffer from mental health issues during their development. The hospital is seeking new staff and procuring the necessary equipment and resources for the mental health unit.

Ungoofaaru Hospital is already providing mental health services under its outpatient department (OPD). The hospital also conducts outreach programmes in Raa Atoll and has established means by which mental health patients can do online follow-ups with their doctors.