
Opportunity opened to design Genuine Maldivian Product logo

Ministry of Economic Development has opened the opportunity for interested individuals to apply for the design of the Genuine Maldivian Product logo.

The economic ministry is preparing to introduce a certification scheme to affix the designed logo to Maldivian products in order to promote and ensure equal prices for the products. As such, the ministry decided to hold a competition to design the logo for the scheme. The winner of the competition will be awarded USD1,620. The winning logo will be used as the official logo for the scheme.

The design submitted should reflect the aim of promoting the latest modern, unique, creative, and indigenous products and symbolise the uniqueness and diversity of the Maldives and its people. The logo should include the word Genuine Maldivian Product or a creative brand name. The logo must also include the Ministry of Economic Development in a font size smaller than the main name.

The competition is open to registered businesses, designers, and studios in the Maldives. Children under 18 may also participate with parental permission. The deadline for the competition is December 15. The rules, guidelines, entry form, and further information can be found on the website of the economic ministry.