
USD420,000 allocated for new Arabiyya School building

The Parliamentary Budget Committee has approved USD420,000 for the development of the new building for Arabyyia School in the state budget for next year.

The Ministry of Education temporarily relocated the school building after the authorities decided that the building was not safe for teaching. It is being constructed on the land plot that housed the former Jamaluddin School. The demolition of the existing building in the land plot will be completed by the end of November.

The education ministry contracted Amin Construction Private Limited to design and build the new Arabiyya School building and an annex building for Jamaluddin School. The agreement was signed with the company on September 29, 2022. The construction of the two buildings will cost a total of USD11 million, which will be allocated to this year's Public Sector Investment Programme (PSIP) budget. The committee has approved a total of USD420,000 for the construction of the two buildings.

The annex building for Jamaluddin School will consist of 34 classrooms and two elevators. The construction of the building is expected to be completed by December 2023 to solve the space constraints and allow the school to switch to single-session classes. The government stated it will result in two more schools in the Greater Male' Region switching to single sessions for the second term of 2024.