
Gov't launches Women in Sustainable Entrepreneurship programme

Ministry of Economic Development has launched the Women in Sustainable Entrepreneurship (WISE) programme. The initiative was inaugurated by Minister of State for Economic Development Neeza Imad in Hanimaadhoo, Haa Dhaalu Atoll.

The programme is aimed at increasing the role of women’s development committees (WDCs) in expanding women entrepreneurship. The programme also facilitates opportunities available for women entrepreneurs through the ministry and line agencies. The economic ministry stated the programme will be conducted in every island in the coming months and that participants will receive a level-3 national certificate on entrepreneurship upon completion of the programme.

The programme is part of the ministry’s efforts to assist individuals who were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic by providing them with financial assistance, self-employment, and the opportunity to apply for grant programmes, which provide 40% of its funds to self-employed women. Individuals interested in participating in the programme can apply via the Job Centre portal.