
USAID provides grant aid of over USD 155,000 to Maldives

Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Technology and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in the Maldives have signed an agreement to grant aid of over USD155,000 to support a multi-sectoral, integrated approach to conserving and managing the mangrove and atoll reef system in Goidhoo, Baa Atoll.

The environment ministry said the grant aid will specifically be put to use in the protection of the mangroves and wetlands of Goidhoo, as well as the protection of the reefs of Goidhoo, Fulhadhoo, and Fehendhoo. The ministry said the approach will attract private sector investments through the development of eco-tourism products and promoting public-private partnerships. The ministry added that ocean life and the environment are directly connected to the economy of the country and conserving them is crucial.

It is the fourth such grant offered by USAID this year under its Climate Adaptation Project, which is a USD10.5 million activity spanning over five years.