
EPA to complete damage assessment of Villimale’ reef within a week

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has stated that it will complete the assessment of the Villimale’ reef caused by the bridge platform within a week.

Speaking to PSM News, Director General of EPA Ibrahim Naeem said that divers have gathered the relevant data, which will be assessed in the next few days. He said that a fine will be issued, as the incident has caused major damage to the reef, but that the exact amount will be determined after the analysis is complete.

The bridge platform ran aground on Villimale’ on August 16 and caused damage to the reef after its anchor became embedded on the sea floor. Ministry of National Planning, Housing and Infrastructure stated that the work to remove the platform was delayed after high tides prevented the platform from being refloated. The platform was removed from the area on August 27.

Afcons Infrastructure Limited stated that the self-elevating platform, which was brought in for geotechnical studies of the Thila-Male' Bridge, was hit by strong winds and waves, which caused the incident. The India-based company added there were 11 employees on the platform at the time and they were rescued following the incident that took place while the platform was being anchored.