
Dhanbidhoo Community grateful for landmark development by Gov't

Dhanbidhoo Island Council has acknowledged and has extended gratitude for the significant developmental progress the island has seen under the administration of President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih.

During the meeting held at the President’s Office, the council members of Dhanbidhoo, Laamu Atoll, discussed ongoing developmental projects and inquired about the needs of the residents. They also shared the challenges and concerns of the residents. Discussions at the meeting centred on issues related to the sewerage network, the shortage of staff and facilities at the healthcare centre, the need for a school library, space constraints at the mosque, and challenges caused by coastal erosion. They also discussed the need for proper waste management facilities, policing services, and tourism development in the region, and expedited the project to develop a causeway connecting the island with Isdhoo and Kalaidhoo.

At the meeting, President Solih inquired with the council members about the most pertinent needs of the residents and briefed them on the latest updates on the ongoing developmental projects on the island. He also assured the administration would seek ways to find amicable solutions to the concerns raised at the meeting.